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by unknown, a long time ago

Montag, 12. Juli 2004 link
unknown, a long time ago
21 Rules of Thumb – How Microsoft develops its Software The Alloy Look and Feel, a new generation look and feel for [create Java] Swing applications. The Alloy Look and Feel enables developers to dramatically improve the user interfaces of Swing applications with minimal effort. With its unmatched appearance, an outstanding active feel, extensive functionality, and high performance there finally is a Java look and feel that closes the gap to the latest native GUIs without sacrificing performance or functionality.


-> not a default look n' feel, but looks really coolJGraphpad for [create Java] is a multi-purpose drawing utility based on the JGraph component. Version 4.0 updates JGraphpad to JGraph 4.0, adds the option to draw labels along edges as well as some bug fixes

- for [create Java] provides a data grid, support some features such as row header, cell attributes, cell merge and split, undo and redo, find and replace, spell check, file input and export, print and print preview.

- is multi threaded HTTP server software that is open source written solely in [create Java].

- kncwebserver.sourceforge.netTWaver is a professional [create Java] GUI component suite for building next-generation Telecom OSS systems. TWaver provides several graphic components to make developers rapidly assemble visualization layers for the next-generation of highly flexible OSS systems

- (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for [create Java] Objects against relational databases. Mule is a light-weight Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) messaging framework. It can be thought of as a highly distributable object broker that can seamlessly handle interactions with other applications using disparate technologies such as JMS, Http, Email, and [create Xml-Rpc].

- www.muleumo.orgThe most comprehensive collection of PDF manipulation tools that nobody has ever heard of. It just takes a while to sink in that if you can display PDF then you can surely manipulate it.

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