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stick by unknown, a long time ago Dienstag, 19. August 2003 link unknown, a long time ago Ich hab heut 2 interessante dinge auf amazon entdeckt - 1) das neue buch von Tom DeMarco und [create Timothy Lister] (Authoren des genialen Peopleware) Waltzing With Bears Lustig dabei auch die preise... Preis neu: EUR 26,19 Gebraucht ab EUR 84,69 liebhaberpreis? :) Frage ist nur, ob ich es mir auf deutsch oder auf englisch bestelle... eigentlich hätt ichs gerne in der originalsprache - aber dann kanns mein vater nicht lesen:( vielleicht kauf ichs mir einfach in beiden sprachen:) (deutsch kostet es he nur 19.-) 2) Captain Future - DVD Collection - da kommen kindheitserinnerungen hoch:) Inaccessible Site Demonstration (via traumwind) echt empfehlenswert es zu mindest mal durchzuprobieren... ist auch für generelle designs interessant... usability steigerung ist nie schlecht!What is the difference between UseCases and XP's stories "Use cases and stories are similar in that they are both ways to organize requirements. They are different in that they organize for different purposes...The two have a complex correlation. Stories are usually more fine-grained because they have to be entirely buildable within an iteration (one or two weeks for XP)..." (Martin Fowler)The Trouble with Checked Exceptions "they say, "try, da da da da da, catch curly curly." They think, "Oh I'll come back and deal with these empty catch clauses later," and then of course they never do. In those situations, checked exceptions have actually degraded the quality of the system in the large."(Anders Hejlsberg - by Bill Venners and [create Bruce Eckel]) I am not quite sure, what my opinion to checked exception is... one one hand, my own coding experiences show that i am the described type of developer... if i have to catch an exception the ide([create IntelliJ]) just surrounds it with an try/catch block, and I never really handle the exception correctly... but at least the IDE template shows the exception message on the console, and not just dismisses it(f..., because of the mtv show, i will never be able again to use this word without a strange taste in my mouth:) ) -> would be even worse... BUT on the other hand i am following Chris Rathman's opinion: "I believe that exceptions thrown are part of the interface, just as much as the return value of a function itself." (Chris Rathman) btw - falls mr. langreiter vorbeischaut - kann er mir bitte das weblog dyna(du-jour.r) mit kategorien zukommen lassen?! mags nicht selber umschreiben muessen:) unknown a long time ago: No attachments for this snip.
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