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Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2004 link
unknown, a long time ago
allows you to edit XML documents (e.g. DocBook) and view the rendered XSL-FO-print output at the same time.

Major features:
- XML authoring with print appearance
- Out-of-the-box support of complex industrial [create DTD]/Schemas like DocBook, TEI, DITA, NITF
- On-the-fly XSL-driven XML rendering and transformation (using XSLT and XSL-FO subsets)
- On-the-fly document validation against XML Schemas
- XML Catalog support
- Large document support
- Fully customizable GUI
- Table support (XSL FO, CALS)
- Spell checking
- Multilingual (UNICODE) support
- Available for Microsoft Windows™ (2000, XP), Linux, and Mac OS X

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