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comments-2003-10-08 stick
by unknown, a long time ago

Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2003 link
unknown, a long time ago
I wanna hold your hand(held)
Rob Enderle has some ideas about why the handheld market hasn't really taken off, if not why I haven't fully embraced mine. Among his suggestions:

  • Lack of standards Currently, there are almost no common standards among handheld computers.
  • User needs the desire to focus on a competitor or a technology to the exclusion of customers' needs
  • Lack of segment marketing potential buyers become confused about which features are important and may conclude that it isn't worth the effortNew Oracle Tutorial: Understanding Oracle XML DB

    It covers these topics:
  • About the Simple XML Based Content Management Application
  • Creating and Versioning Resources
  • Advanced Queuing
  • XML Transformation

    unknown a long time ago:
    haett immer noch gern an treo 270, oder ueberhaupt gleich den treo 600 sobald man ihn irgendwie erhaelt ... :)

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