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2007-01-09 stick
by unknown, a long time ago

Scriptella is an open source ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) and script execution tool.

Our primary focus is simplicity. You don't have to study yet another complex XML-based language - use SQL (or other scripting language suitable for the data source) to perform required transformations.

- is a [create Java] docking framework to be used in cross-platform Swing applications. MyDoggy is an IntelliJ Idea like docking framework for managing secondary windows within the main window. MyDoggy allows to move,resize or extract those secondary windows. Also, MyDoggy provides support for content management of the main window. Like Eclipse, MyDoggy supports the concept of "prospective" using mydoggy groups.

-[create Java] Plugin Framework provides a runtime engine that dynamically discovers and loads "plug-ins". A plug-in is a structured component that describes itself to JPF using a "manifest"...

One major goal of JPF is that the application (and its end-user) should not pay any memory or performance penalty for plug-ins that are installed, but not used. Plug-ins are added to the registry at application start-up or while the application is running but they are not loaded until they are called.


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