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stick by unknown, a long time ago Does anybody know a command-line diff and sed utility that supports Unicode?QueryForm is a robust [create Java] application that provides a powerful GUI front end for JDBC-enabled databases. It creates forms on-the-fly through which you can query tables and browse the results with just a few keystrokes or mouse clicks. It also lets you insert, update and delete table rows without typing any SQL statements. - qform.sourceforge.net/is a free [create Java] class library for generating charts, including: - www.jfree.org/jfreechart/Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools is an open source, Eclipse-based reporting system that integrates with your application to produce compelling reports for both web and PDF. - www.eclipse.org/birt/ unknown a long time ago ago:
wenn beide files utf8 sind (bzw generell im selben encoding) dann wird diff wahrscheinlich schon gehn. und GNU sed is an sich unicode faehig, afaik. unknown a long time ago ago: hmm... verwende gnu sed mit utf16le files - funktioniert auch, aber die substitutions sind dann nicht mehr utf16le?! unknown a long time ago ago: ich nehm mal an, du wirst sowohl das pattern als auch die substitution halt in utf16le schreiben muessen. dh zB sed "s/r\x00s\x00r\x00/t\x00s\x00r\x00/g" jez aber auch ned 100%ig sure. unknown a long time ago ago: ich werds mal ausprobieren - uebrigens, danke! jedoch wenn ich das so machen muss ist der "support" fuer unicode nicht ganz soo toll:) Please log in (you may want to register first) to post comments! No attachments for this snip.
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