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Bristol RDF Query Language, or BRQL (pronounced 'burkol')

- is an Open Toolkit for Making [create Java] Swing Database-Aware

  • database binding for textboxes, comboboxes, and checkboxes
  • masked editing of textboxes
  • binding of a "hidden"numeric column for comboboxes with text choices (e.g. 0, 1, & 2 are stored for "Yes," "No," & "Maybe," respectively)
  • population of comboboxes based o­n columns in a database query (can also be used for combobox-based record navigation)
  • a graphical record navigator
  • a data grid component for creating datasheet/spreadsheet/table views of queries

    - to Spreadsheet with formatting
    This Oracle package provides an API to generate a file in the [create SYLK] file format.


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