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2004-02-23 stick
by unknown, a long time ago

How to fix the find in Files bug in [create WinXP]
Windows XP is unable to search for the content of a not registered file type. Here the fix - I think you need at least SP1

Network administrators can configure this setting by modifying the registry. To do this, set the FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions DWORD value to 1 in the following registry key:

(Using the "A Word or Phrase in the File" Search Criterion May Not Work)JabRef looks like a promising tool to manage your BibTeX Files.

unknown a long time ago ago:
hab ich auch (offensichtlich vor 12 tagen) in meine winxp-notes aufgenommen. nachm re-setup war das doch glatt weg. ziemlich nerviger bug ...

unknown a long time ago ago:
jope - hamma eh damals in england gehabt... das problem... nervt total

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